Tuesday 19 February 2013

Favourite moisturising nude lipsticks

Now because I have pale skin and I find it really hard to find nude lipsticks that will suit me and won't make me look dead, I never really go for a nude nude, I go for more of a pinky nude because I find that it suits me best. Here are my three favourites.

T to B (17, Mac, Natural collection)
Firstly 17 mirror shine lipstick in beehive. This lipstick is super moisturising and ultra shiny so you don't need a gloss, it hasn't got amazing staying power but that's because it is so moisturising.

Then next it is beloved Mac's lipstick in Hue. This is beautiful and by far my favourite, it would suit probably every skintone but it looks great on pale skin. It is moisturising and it has resonable good staying power.
Then finally, this lipstick was very popular about a year ago and I can understand why, it is the natural collection moisture shine in apple blossom. Again this one is super moisturising but it is a very pale pink so it can look a little dead if you apply too much but if you apply it sparingly it looks amazing. It is like the name suggests in moisturising but doesn't have very good staying power but for £1.99 you can't really go wrong.

 I hope you found this helpful and if you have any good suggestions for moisturising pinky nude lipstick it would be great if you left a comment below, letting me know. :)

Thursday 14 February 2013

Nails:Rimmel caramel cupcake

Rimmel London 60 seconds 500 caramel cupcake is a really pretty nude nail varnish and it dries really fast which is a bonus. I also really like the brush because it isn't to thin or too thick it is just the right size for my nails.


I will definitely be trying some more Rimmel 60 second nail polish. If you have any favourites be sure to let me know in the comments below.

Saturday 9 February 2013

Rimmel match perfection foundation review

I really like this foundation it is a great all round foundation. My colour is 010 light porcelain, this is when I am my lightest shade. It is the lightest shade they do and it is very light. This would be great if you have very pale skin and find it hard to find foundations that match your skin. I got mine from superdrug for £6.99.
The packaging is nice it is a glass bottle and it hold 30ml. I know this is odd to talk about but the pump is also very nice it is easy to control so you get just the right amount you need. It lasts well on the skin, it stays looking perfect for about 7 hours on my skin. It aslo has spf18 which personally I love but it does give you a bit of a white cast in photos.

It sits lovely on the skin and looks very natural. It gives a medium to buildable coverage and it definetely doesn't look cakey. It is quite a dewy finish it says that it is a 'Light reflecting radiance foundation' I do agree, it makes you look really healthy and glowy. Apparently this is because it has Sapphire radiance in it do give you an illuminating glow.
Basically it gives a medium buildable coverage, which gives a natural dewy finish, that makes you look healthy and glowy. They have a great colour range and shade 010 light porcelain is great for people with super pale skin. Also it is only £6.99 which is a great bargain. It is right up there with my favourite foundations.