Tuesday 24 June 2014

Car boot sale finds

Now it is a pain having to get up early on a Sunday morning to go to a car boot sale, when all you want to do is have that long lie in, but it is worth it when you find some great bargains. I must admit it was a bit of a shock to the system this Sunday so I didn't get there as early as I would have liked. And you know what they say the early bird catches the worm!! But I did still find a few real treasures.

I am always on the hunt for some makeup bargains but this time was a bit of a disappointment but that's what you get with a car boot. However, there were some amazing old cameras that I just couldn't leave. I absolutely love old fashioned cameras, I've got a growing collection of about 10. I know I'm a bit obsessed haha!! The first camera i picked up for only £4 was a Zenit EM olympic edition camera, isn't it beautiful? It works with a 35mm film and has a Pentacon 1.8/50 lens, not that I know what that means though haha!!

The next camera I got is a Brownie box camera this just makes me think I'm in the 1800s or something. This was £2.50 which I think is an ok price. It doesn't have a lens and I am pretty sure they don't make film for this anymore and that if there is any still around it will be pretty expensive. But it is absolutely beautiful and it will look very pretty and vintage on display somewhere. It actually still has film in the camera which is used and I am tempted to try and find a place that will develop the film so I can have a look at the pictures. The film is probably out of date now but wouldn't it be great it they could be developed.

The final thing I got was an absolute bargain it was only 20p for this Clinique eyeshadow quad. The colours are really pretty I especially love the shades gold rush and daybreak because I think they will really complement my blue eyes and make them stand out. The only disappointing shade is strawberry because it doesn't have much pigmentation but I rarely wear pink on my eyes anyway and for 20p you really can't go wrong. They have a lovely sheen to them which I think will look beautiful on the eyes and making your brush wet and then applying them will make them look really nice and metallic.

I am soo glad car boot season is back because I can't wait to pick up some more amazing bargains. I hope you liked having a look at the treasures I picked up last Sunday and I would love it if you would tell me the best thing you've ever picked up at a car boot sale. 

Tuesday 24 December 2013

Getting red-y for Christmas

Now we all know that Christmas is the time to bring out some red. Whether it's with a traditional red lip or red blusher or even red eyeshadow.

(L to R)MUA luxe matte lipgloss, L'oreal color riche serum lipstick, Nars eyeshadow, MUA matte lipstick, Nars multiple and Nars lipgloss.
(L to R)Nars Bloodwork, Nars Beverly Hills, L'oreal Radiant orange, MUA reckless, MUA Scarlett Siren and Nars Grenadines.

 I've got two red lipsticks to show you, one matte and one glossy. And they are both very affordable . The first one is MUA matte lipstick in scarlet siren. This is  is only £1 and it is very pigmented and not too drying for a matte finish.

(MUA matte lipstick in scarlet siren) 
(L to R)L'oreal serum lipstick and MUA matte lipstick
The next lipstick is a l`oreal color riche serum lipstick in radiant orange. This is £8, it is very moisturising as the serum in the name would suggest . It is very pigmented, it is a orangey red which is great because I feel that it really warms up the complexion.

L'oreal color riche serum lipstick in Radiant Orange
(T to B)L'oreal lipstick and MUA lipstick.
The next red thing I love is this lipgloss from Nars in Bloodwork it is very pigmented and not sticky at all. It is £17.50.
(Nars lipgloss in Bloodwork)
This one is the MUA luxe matte lipgloss and it is lovely and super cheap it is only £3 but I must say it is hard to apply and when it sets, it is very hard to correct your mistake as you may be able to see in the picture, so sorry for the messy application. It feels a little uncomfortable on the lips because it is matte but for £3 you can't go wrong.
(MUA luxe matte lipgloss in Reckless)
(T to B)MUA lipgloss and Nars lipgloss
This is a Nars multiple which I think is limited edition but I just had to include it. It is in the colour Beverly Hills, it is very nice and it it is quite sheer so it is great on your cheeks.
(Nars multiple in Beverly Hills)
(Nars eyeshadow in Grenadines)
The last thing I have to show you is a Nars eyeshadow in Grenadines which I love. Now red may scare some people to put on your eyes but it is actually very pretty. You could also wear this as a blush if you use a light hand and it would give you a lovely natural flush.

(T to B)Nars multiple and Nars eyeshadow
(Same order but they are sheered out)
I hope you liked this post of all the festive red things I'm loving this Christmas and I hope you all have a good Christmas.

Friday 8 March 2013

Avon ideal shade foundation review

I do quite like this foundation, I don't know if it tops my other favourites though. I have the shade light beige which is my colour when I fake tan or get a real tan (not very likely though.) I got it from an Avon catalogue for £8 .

The packaging is nice and expensive looking and the bottle is glass. The only problem is that the lid isn't very secure but I'm wondering whether it is just mine or whether it is how its made.

It sits nicely on the skin, it leaves a satin finish. It has a light to medium coverage, so some imperfections do show through. It sits very nice on the skin and is natural looking.

The down side of this foundation is that it does smell odd. I can't put my finger on the smell but I really don't like it. But when its on your skin you can't smell it so when I'm putting it on I just don't breath in and then its fine. Also because of the smell your skin may have a reaction if you have sensitive skin.

It doesn't beat my favourite foundations but it is nearly there. I would recommend it if you aren't too bothered about strong smells then maybe you would like it but I wouldn't say it was amazing it is just mediocre.

Tuesday 19 February 2013

Favourite moisturising nude lipsticks

Now because I have pale skin and I find it really hard to find nude lipsticks that will suit me and won't make me look dead, I never really go for a nude nude, I go for more of a pinky nude because I find that it suits me best. Here are my three favourites.

T to B (17, Mac, Natural collection)
Firstly 17 mirror shine lipstick in beehive. This lipstick is super moisturising and ultra shiny so you don't need a gloss, it hasn't got amazing staying power but that's because it is so moisturising.

Then next it is beloved Mac's lipstick in Hue. This is beautiful and by far my favourite, it would suit probably every skintone but it looks great on pale skin. It is moisturising and it has resonable good staying power.
Then finally, this lipstick was very popular about a year ago and I can understand why, it is the natural collection moisture shine in apple blossom. Again this one is super moisturising but it is a very pale pink so it can look a little dead if you apply too much but if you apply it sparingly it looks amazing. It is like the name suggests in moisturising but doesn't have very good staying power but for £1.99 you can't really go wrong.

 I hope you found this helpful and if you have any good suggestions for moisturising pinky nude lipstick it would be great if you left a comment below, letting me know. :)