Sunday 20 May 2012

How I get rid of spots quickly

Panoxyl acnegel is a product I just could not live without. I used it when I used to have a big problem with spots and it really did make a massive difference.I have never actually had acne but I have had problems with spots. Using this in my skincare routine really helped clear my skin. Now I do still get spots, especially around that time of the month. So whenever i felt a spot coming on or I have a spot. I pop this on and by morning it has gone or has significantly reduced in size.

 I have it in 5% benzoyl peroxide but I would recommend 2.5% for your first try because it is quite drying and if you only get spot occasionally it will be a shock how strong it is. It is a clear gel that you rub into the skin. I apply it over my moisturiser because I have dry to normal skin, so that way it isn't so drying.

 I get mine from Boots pharmacy and I think that you can just get it from just about any pharmacy. I hope this helps you !!!!

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