Thursday 7 June 2012

Rimmel 25 hour foundation

I remember reading a review about this foundation on a blog, which was just raving about it so much. That then I got in my head that i had to have it. But I must say it really did disappoint me. Mine is in the shade 100 ivory, which is the lightest shade but it isn't very light.

First of all the colour range is horrible if you have pale skin. But i got it anyway. The texture is very thick, which I find looks very cakey on me. The worst thing of all is that already it is too dark for me, but when blended onto my neck I could just about get away with it. After about 2 hours I was bright orange, the foundation had oxidized. Now I never really ever have a problem with my foundations oxidizing because I don't live in the centre of a town, so it can't been the pollution and I always wear a primer so it doesn't react with my skin. So it must be the foundation. The last thing is that at the bottom it says lightweight feel, it definitely isn't a lightweight feel, it is very heavy.

The only good thing about this foundation is that it does last for a very long time. But I definitely wouldn't want to keep this on my face for 25 hours. Another is that it is transfer proof which is good in a foundation.Now if you like very full coverage, then you may like this but there are so many other downfalls.

Overall I did want to like this product but I really didn't get along with it. Sorry for the rant but I really was disappointed with this product and I definitely wouldn't recommend this to a friend.

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